I know it sounds completely laughable, particularly as I'm single, but its just a matter of time!
Luckily I haven't taken seriously all the newspaper articles, tv titbits and Loose Women confessions about proposing to someone after 15 years and kids together.
I ask you, what's the point, when your engagement has been as long as some people's entire matrimonial adventures ?
Some ladies may be diving deep into the nearest tub of pralines and cream, wondering where its all gone wrong, but not this one.
What annoys me most is that Leap Year could potentially take away that excitement of someone surprising you with the news that you're 'The One'.
Having spent most of my dating life, manning up and asking men out (trust me if I waited to be asked out by my first dates, I would have given Ms Havisham a run for her money), there are some things I am just not willing to give up on, just so I can win a liberated postmark !