Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Cornwall Day 2

There's definitely a difference between in the measure of trust in the country and the city.

In the country people talk to each other. In the city its all anyone can do to avoid looking at someone, let alone talking to them.

And no greater distinction could be made than the scene we encountered today. We spent an event packed day at the Eden Project - we ended up in the Rainforest Dome, 100 feet off the ground on an iron bridge - it was unbelievable!

The tour bus from the Project took us to the train station just in time, or so we thought to catch our train. 40 minutes later, there was still no sign of a train after our original train miracleously vanished from departure board.

The horrifying news that the next train wouldn't arrive for at least another hour, sent a queue of people rushing to call home or a cab.

We called a cab and along with some other passengers going our way, waited in the car park for it.

A pretty blonde who was perched on the railway stairs, clearly waiting for a lift, stood up quickly as a dirty white Clio pulled up.

A tall brunette stepped out of the car and held the back seat forward so the blonde could get in and looked around the car park at the other people in the car park.

Two shady looking guys obviously a little worse for wear - one clutching a bottle, the other clutching a brick behind his back, called out to the brunette.

"Where are you going love?"

"St Ives", she replied cheerily

"Yes" they both chorused, moving towards the car quickly.

"Are you two gonna behave?" she said smirking

"Yes" they both said as the one with the brick, dropped it to the ground behind him, before piling into the car.

We all watched initially horrified as the car pulled away, but then collapsed into laughter at the blonde, who mouthed

"What the fuck?" and gestured at her new car companions.

"You wouldn't do that in London, would you?" said one of our car pool.

"Did you see the other guy drop his brick?" said Lolo

"You know them getting that lift, probably stopped them nicking the car they were standing by"

We all laughed again.

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