Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Brighton Rocked !

I love a good Thelma and Louise moment, so when LL suggested myself and N joined her on a girls away day to Brighton, I was beside myself ..... Road Trip !! Well actually Train Trip !!!

We picked the best day of the year so far for it, boarded our train on time and arrived an hour later in Brighton.

After two aborted attempts to catch the tour bus - somehow we managed to get the tour bus times mixed up with the usual bus schedule - we were clearly all latte deficient !

Thankfully LL spotted our schoolgirl error, prompting the first belly laugh of the day, amid talking about the Olympics, singing Adele's 'Someone Like You' with feeling (N was on tip top vocal form!), finding a toilet and some coffee, before we all climbed on top of a retro double decker.

The wind gently danced through our hair, as the bus weaved through the Brighton streets. LL and I were desperately trying to decipher the crackly, barely legible recorded tour guide voiceover, while N happily snapped the beautiful scenery.

The man count as we walked to the Pier was fair to middling. Top marks going to a super vain brother, with a body surely carved by a diet and exercise regime, so strict that only a few other men out in Brighton that day, quite matched up to him.

If only I had two mega sized dressing gowns with me to cover up the oversized, super hairy man with man boobs, which disappeared into his supersize stomach. Or what about the man who must have been on a Stag do in his Borat style lime green mankini.

It was only my sunglasses that saved my eyes from this shocking, unprovoked body sharing.

We carried on walking to the funfair rides. I was fine on the carousel - a baby ride really, but such good fun.

I was even confident enough to balance, myself, my bag and my camera and grin in the direction of N's camera for a rather grim looking action shot - she and LL of course looked great, while I resembled a rabbit caught in very bright headlights !

It was on our next ride the aptly name 'Turbo' where my green gills just from sitting in the ride, betrayed me as weak stomached, height phobic diva, sharing quality time with two adrenalin filled playmates, who eyes sparkled at the very thought of being thrown into the air from a great height.

They never stopped laughing and squealing, a total contrast to my closed eyed terror, as the machine bounced us up and down, before catapulting us up to its highest point and then starting the whole awful cycle again.

LL and N took pity on me when we 'touched down' and we moved onto to chips and doughnuts on the stone clad beach, but not before I'd bumped into M

He looked healthy and happy, if a little red faced!. He was down for the day in Brighton with his missus, who was radiantly pregnant with buba no 2 and his daughter, who looked completely fed up about being kept in her pushchair.

By now N's feet resembled a chimney sweep's and LL had confirmed that thongs means flipflops in Australian (aka tiny g-string to us Brits) and had decided that she would ditch them to cross the pebbles, which she promptly did (instantly regretting it!) and looking like an unsteady baby deer, as she tiptoed into the sea.

I couldn't resist grabbing one of those row of bodies (well actually two of them) shots of LL and N when they returned from the sea, to laying down to gently bake in the sun!

Then we headed back to bus, missed our stop to the Brighton Pavilion, instead walking to it, photographing it and then heading back to the Pier for round 2 of the funfair experience.

This time I kept my feet firmly on the ground and a good job too. As LL and N waited to hit the waltzer ride we noticed that although everyone else had got off, one carriage was still occupied.

Two people got out, but one stayed in. It turned out the waltzer had turned the contents of her stomach all over her!!

A cup of water (for the sickee), disinfectant (for the carriage) and a mobile moment (with the sickee's mum) all happened, before the sickee emerged shamefaced and very grumpy, before a waiting crowd of wannabe waltzer riders, who tried to look at everything but her.

All I thought was it could have been me...but if there's one thing this diva knows.... it's her stomach limits !

The call of dinner led my stomach walking back to happiness, as we tucked into pasta, before catching the train back to London.

If this is how much fun three divas can have on a day trip to Brighton, then I can't wait to go to St Ives in May !

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