Wednesday, 27 April 2011

I'm Over It !

Ok so I'm kind of done with all things Royal Wedding already. It could be the month long build up of anything to do with it.

The copious television shows about Diana and previous royal weddings. All manner of royal merchandise from tea towels to oyster travelcards. Deranged royal buffs camping outside Westminster Abbey since last week, desperate to grab a front row spot on the Mall.

Then bizarrely, both nationalist and Muslim protest groups, opposed to the wedding and each other, are currently both campaigning for the 'right to protest'on the big day, near Westminster Abbey.

And finally, there's the fact that our central London travel system keeps getting disrupted as rehearsals for the big day take place.

I tried to work out where my lack on enthusiasm about the wedding comes from and I realised its wedding apathy.

In my lifetime I have so far witnessed five royal weddings.

Diana's, Fergie's, Edward's, Charles's (to his former mistress) and Anne's (her second one being and here is a delicious irony to this bearing her royal station - to an ex-employee !).

Three of the unions remain intact - Edward's (yep he's still married to Sophie), then there's Charles and Anne (but they don't really count) as they are on their second ride around the wedding carousel and should know what not to do !

The whole country so the newspapers tell me is 'gripped' by wedding fever. And what will happen once the big day is over and done with?

We will be told to 'forget' the newlyweds, that is until the press update us with newsflashes from their honeymoon, their first rows, their children, their royal visits (home and abroad), their friends, their dalliances and in line with our British Royal family's current track record - their almost inevitable break-up or their staying together for the sake of the family moment.

With a relationship played out on a public stage from the first, I don't wonder that a lot of people like me are holding our breaths, hoping that this wedding will give us the fairytale ending we all want.

While I strongly support the Royal Family, its history and the wealth it generates every year for this amazing country I call home, I strongly object to the great British public being forced to 'contribute' to the wedding to the tune of £5million.

No kidding, that is what we as a nation are paying via our taxes for the wedding. In return we have been rewarded with a few extra days of work.

Big deal - I'd rather have my wedding contribution back pretty please.

To put the cost of the Royal Wedding into some perspective, compare it to the much more affordable £16,500, the average person in the United Kingdom spends on their wedding.

William's grandmother the Queen is a woman of immense wealth. William and Harry each inherited £6.5 million on the death of their mother, Princess Diana 14 years ago.

That sum has been invested for them both and has since gathered substantial interest - so why are we paying for this wedding?

Surely they can afford it and if not, why not cut their cloth and the day's lavish proceedings, to suit their actual budget, much like the rest of the country is doing in these economically challenging times.

I wish the happy couple great happiness and good weather (one of the things, even their money can't buy!)on their wedding day, but how I wish they were paying for their day themselves, like the rest of us have or will have (fingers crossed for me still!) to do.

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