Monday, 20 September 2010

Exercise and Man Talk

Today was manic - one new starter, one dodgy laptop,one training session including two big chiefs, one line manager on a delayed plane and one junior member of the team, who is to totally over her boss and I ended the day knackered.

Not so tired that I didn't hit the gym. I took a bet from F last week about changing up my gym regime. I've got to admit I bore easily and pounding away on a treadmill is great results wise, but boring beyond belief.

The bet is that I do a different activity every day for two weeks. Today was body pump - I couldn't bearly walk at the end of the class. I'm wondering how I'm going to get through boxercise tomorrow.

The Frenchman and I are having coffee on Thursday. I've had him on a slow simmer for a while now, because as I've learnt wild intial enthusiasm from me normally equals eventual disappointment.

While from the guys usually means it's a toss up between pursuing me or another, or the case of the players out there, the several other ladies in the frame! The thing that I've finally learnt is play it cool and just go with the flow.

Going with the flow is something you can't accuse B of doing. Since her little drunken escapade the other day, she has been 'dancing'around the object of her desire, until he pinned her down and said they needed to talk.

"What do you think it means? Is he interested?"

"Since when have I ever been able to make sense of what men do and more importantly how their minds work?" I said.

"Yeah I forget" she replied laughing. "But what do I do"

"Email him and just say if he's not too scarced, does he fancy a latte, offsite"

"Oh you are so forward BB"

"No just assertive, do you want this man or not? You need to know whether he's interested right?"

"I guess"

"You are such a woss!" I replied.

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