Monday, 27 September 2010

Next and Cheater's Progress O, who wanted to know how I got on with TF. He could bearly contain his joy at hearing FT had struck out, but seeing my face, pulled back just in time to save the situation by saying we should go out instead and reassuring me that he would show up!

O is a massage therapist - 6ft, shaved head, built and....arr....well I'm not getting too excited, but if you go on a date with zero expectations, anything beyond that is a bonus right?

While I'm sort of on a green light,It seems like L's ex, Mr Man is stuck on a red. He just can't stand being dumped, instead of him being in his more familar role of doing the dumping. His room at Heartbreak Hotel, hasn't stopped him trying to turn on the charm so he can express checkout and move back into L's loving arms.

L hasn't wavered since she cancelled her subscription to being part of Mr Man's harem. She's changed the locks to her apartment, returned his belongings first class and politely asked him to continue on his permanent hike out of her life, including a blunt request that he stop calling her friends and family.

His response was deflecton - suggesting they meet to talk and also declaring,

"For what it's worth, I love you".

How ironic that despite 'loving' her, he still had absolutely no problem doing the dirty on her on multiple occasions !

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