Thursday, 26 May 2011

Hello Goodbye and Blue Boy !

T-minus one days to my St Ives trip and I truly can't wait.

Road trips with the girls are always fun, but a road trip with Lolo is another thing entirely, since every activity is scheduled...which I find funny and endearing.

It reminds me of being on a school trip, or your early holidays with you parents. Since its my first real break this year, I can't wait for the chance to not think about the whirl of stuff going round in my head at the moment.

Work - I've managed to land a spot with the team I really want to work for, but alas only as a fill in, while they are waiting for their permanent person to work their notice.

Finding a tenant - I've pretty much abandoned the idea, after suffering from interview 'tenant rage'. Really, just how many unsuitable people you wouldn't like to live with, are out there and why, oh why have they all found their way to my house?

Lovelife - same old same old !

In the meantime, my happy for other people cup is is nearly full. My first text of the day came from Big D, who went on his second date yesterday. Things went so well he managed to land 'a cheeky snog', which is of course no surprise since he's such a little devil.

Speaking of little devils and particularly for those of you who who asked what happened to MC - He's tip top!

Actually I bumped into him today. He was back in the building for a one day conference with his new firm. He looked great and back to that smiley faced cheeky chappie I thought was fun to be around.

"So did you ask him why he hadn't been in touch?" said AR,who

"No"I said snorting. "Sorry to disappoint you, but he was my table buddy,that's it you little minx!. I'm just glad he's happy and found a job he loves"

"You are such a sentimental sap sometimes. Always worrying about everyone else and making sure they are ok"

"Whatever" I said grinning and walking away quickly.

Maybe its the past few weeks, when for whatever reason I've been approached by quite a few randoms.

There's definitely something in the air. I have been incredibly amused by the fact that for some, that initial 'Hi' is so traumatic, that when they do actually get your attention, they don't have a lot to say for themselves.

"So do you live round here?"

"I saw you last week...and....and...I thought I say hello, but I left it"

"You know Sarah don't you?"

Riveting. I usually tell them to breathe and then just talk!

The best of these motley tongue-tied boys has been Blue Boy (because of his suit and eyes!!).

He's got the type of crumbled face you would see in an old film noir, but he's clever, which for me is a must have.

He's in the process of setting up his own company and..well for once, let me not jinx things and say too much.

After all I doubt very much that I am the only eligible diva out there, there who wants to help Little BB find his horn!

We'll just have to wait and see!

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