Thursday, 28 July 2011

Red Letter Day !

So about my housemate hunt, I've now interviewed 7 of them all together. No 7 has just left and I have everything crossed she takes it as without getting too excited, I like her...she's funny, quirky and has more personality in her little finger, then all the other potential housemates put together !

I'm going to try not to tempt fate though, as I still have to deal with number 8 on Saturday and unfortunately, my favourite is going to continue viewing more properties to make absolutely sure she makes the right decision.

On the work front the ecommerce gig interview is tomorrow. I'm ready to impress and have a good vibe about it.

Holy Moly Random moment 1078 - I've just seen one of my old buddies on one of those property shows! She looks as fabulous despite her property trauma...which pricks me into thinking I need to reconnect with her, as she's been a really good friend to me in the past, who I lost touch with.

Watching her struggle through, I was struck by how long she'd keep a rubbish situation to herself, not asking for help and just about keeping her head above water. It's a little reminder we could all do with.

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