Saturday, 11 December 2010

Mad Men and Office Sirens

There's nothing like the morning after the night before to sort the the weak from the strong after the office Christmas party. When I got into work today with my partner in crime from the night D, our office was almost deserted !

No surprise there. Everyone certainly went for it at the party. I don't think I have ever seen so many amazing looking men and women in one room.

The boys were all in sharp suits and skinny ties, while the ladies proved that late 50s - early 60s glamour is beyond chic.

The venue was overflowing with beehives, bell dresses, huge petticoats, cute bags, painted nails and pillarbox red lips.

With a free bar all night, you might have expected a roll call of naughtiness, but there wasn't any that I saw.

Maybe it was the mellow vibe on the night, or maybe it was just not wanting to deal with a hammer head in the morning and having to get up and go to work !

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