Wednesday 9 June 2010

Fancy Bumping Into You!

As I actually began this blog to chronicle the misadventures of my dating life, aside from other general musings about my life, I suppose now’s as good a time as any to give you all a dating update, particularly after my chat with J last night.

“So how’s the man hunt going? “ she said, having called in at BB Towers, to marvel at my speed-stripped bathroom and offer me the use of her bathroom facilities for the next two weeks.

“In a word, shocking cherub. Totally shocking !"

Yep, things are so bad the moment, that the only man lowlight in my calendar is receiving the repeated, increasingly needy text messages from Mr Invisible.

I hate to be harsh, but I maybe he thinks I’m deploying the old “Treat them mean, keep em keen” manoeuvre.

There’s mean and then there’s “No I really don’t want to go out with you, I’ve told you this to you face twice now, but you still keep calling me and texting me”.

Yes, I was that direct with him and still he keeps coming back like some overwrought crazy dating Terminator.

The woman I was when I first started writing this blog, would have been crushed to be halfway through another year still single.

To let out some of that rejection anger, I most definitely would have dead headed a few rose bushes, and cried (quitea lot!), at such a sorry state of affairs, but I’m serenely calm about it.

With everything else that’s going on, I don’t think I have time for a man….hell, who am I kidding I’d make time!

I hit the gym after work with LMM and power plated myself to a standstill, before catching the train for an uneventful journey home.

Unfortunately, it wasn't. Sitting across from me, face half buried in a beard that made him look like a villian from an old black and white movie was Mr Invisible.

With escape not an option,I politely nodded as he prattled on, finally being saved by the train pulling into my station.

"I'll call you" he yelled as I got off the train.

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