Monday 4 January 2010

Nose To The Grindstone !

So how was my first day back at work? A shocker! The morning wasn't too bad, I beavered my way through emails and phone calls, quietly congratulating myself for being so organised and focused and secretly pleased I had worked through Christmas and the New Year.

But a two hour update meeting with HWMBO left me quietly seething, as he peppered our encounter with barbed asides like "Why did you do that'?" and lots of "I don't understand why you....!."

I've always hated working with dissective colleagues, you know those people who need to understand everything, break it down, micro managing the most basic tasks, picking away at things until you are left feeling that nothing you do will ever be right for them.

I left his office angry, humiliated, and more desperate than ever to get myself out of a situation which daily makes me wish I'd stayed in bed. Two pep talks later from D and L and I had pulled myself together, which was lucky as I had my date to look forward to and what a date that would be!

SS arrived charmingly late by some 20 mins, mumbled something about having to work late, than proceeded to give me an A-Z of his life, without leaving any space for a response, however small from me. I lasted 30 mins, before politely excusing myself and exiting onto a ice coated street.

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