Wednesday 6 January 2010

Snow Day

I got caught in the snow last night and found myself dreaming like a kid of a snow day. This morning when I pulled back the curtains, I could barely contain my glee as overnight my street had been transformed by a thick dusting of snow, into my very own winter wonderland.

Luckily I had brought my laptop and network card home with me, so I settled down to work, at my laptop in my pj's, fluffy slippers and with a large latte at my side.

I thought I might be bored, distracted or even too undiscplined to knuckle down to some hard work but guess what I loved it ! Me, little Miss Sociable got more work done sitting at home, than I usually do in an office filled with people.

I realised that it isn't actually necessary for me to work from an office or in fact long-term to work for anyone or do a job just to pay the bills. There is a the light that goes off in my head sometimes, that tells me I should work for myself and this is the light that I intend to follow this year.

A flashing message from my date from the other night convinced me that concentrating on my career right now, might not be such a bad option ! Love can wait for the time being!

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