Friday, 18 February 2011

Wonka Delites

Just how many emails can BT send me to tell me they hope to resolve my broadband problem - too many !

The good news is after much toing and froing I have managed to secure the services of a BT engineer who duly came out this morning, complete with shadow sidekick, a sweetheart who has just finished his first stage BT training.

Result - BB Towers is now broadband active again and I am one happy bunny !

In the meantime yesterday, I have had one of the best days ever at work, when our team hosted our weekly work get together.

You know when you end up in a job, that not just suits you, but allows you to be a little nutty, without driving your colleagues crazy too, well my present role is that job.

The team came up with the theme of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and went to town. We decorated an office, made our own 'lick me' wallpaper with stuck on sweets.

We decorated cupcakes with super bright icing, set up a chocolate fountain teamed with marshmallows on sticks and stocked our very grown up bar with snozzleberry juice, cheeky vimto and cream tops.

By 4:45 we were all in costume as Willie Wonka, Charlie, Violet, Augustus and Ompa Lumpas and that's when the party really got started. Just one short hour later, our bar was empty (no surprise, since we ended up with 85 guests!).

Add to this golden tickets for everyone who attended, with one lucky ticket holder being drawn as the winner of our Wonka bonus and we pretty much ticked every fun box possible.

The pictures were posted for online for today everyone to see. The best thing about them - everyone had a great time. Our Ompa Lumpa green wigs ended up being a 'must try on and take a silly picture' moment and all of the pictures captured the party spirit perfectly.

Now that what I call a successful team bonding exercise - Happy Friday !

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