Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Holding Good Thoughts and A Plea

There's one thing that would make me mega happy yes you've guessed it, its another divasdelite rousing raise our blog traffic plea.

As you all know I started this blog to force me to be more disciplined with my writing,and as sanity check for my more crazy lovelorn moments (see 2009 and 2010 entries and doubtless 2011 will be more of the same!).

Also I wanted to connect with like minded people experiencing the same highs and lows that come from living our weird and wonderful lives.

This year I really want to push the word out about our little group here at divasdelite.

If you have friends, family, work colleagues or acquaintances who you think would enjoy reading the blog, or just like some of you have previously (and you have no idea how much I have appreciated your friendship and patience taking the time to do so), presented me with opposing points of view or challenged my wayward behaviour, then please send them the link and ask them to join the party just like you have.

I know all of you have the feeling just like me that 2011 is going to be a big year for us all !

I especially have my fingers crossed for T. My grumpy Polish builder returned from holiday in Egypt (miraculously just as the civil unrest kicked off!).

I am now over his shocking pre-Christmas bad humour and phoned to book him to work his magic on my kitchen.

I know he's super moody, but hell he is so damned good at what he does. I can forgive him for being a total diva sometimes. Takes one to know one right?

We pinned down the day (the week of my birthday - because a good kitchen is as good a birthday present to oneself as you can get) and then he tells me he has to go to hospital on Friday for tests on his chest.

I suddenly thought about his old school contempt for health and safety (he never wears a mask, despite working in all kinds of dust all the time), the fact that he used to smoke like a chimney and my heart sank.

I'm really worried about him. He works like a trojan now in his mid 60s (7am starts even on Saturday and none of the numerous tea breaks you usually expect from builders!), so goodness only knows how hard he has worked in his youth and what kind of damage he may have done to himself.

We talked for a while and I promised I would call him at the weekend to check on him, particularly since his wife is back home in Poland. I have everything crossed that he is going to be ok.

He's been a weird lucky charm for me since he came into my life, via a conversation with LMM. All the affection with which she spoke about him and what he'd done for her and her family, seemed to flow into me from the get go.

Everytime someone mentions they need something doing, I hand them his number. I think of him like an annoying uncle who drives you nuts. Also I trust him, even when he messes up, which is something I only ever do with family and very good friends.

I remember he just how much he hated all of the colour choices I made for the bathroom tiles and living room paint and then he didn't want to put the blinds up in the kitchen.

I didn't bat an eyelid telling him "That's what I want and what we are doing!" . Seriously though It was like arguing with a very stubborn bull ! Even now it makes me laugh thinking about his pained expression as he painted the living room !

He is easily as grumpy as my beloved Pop, but just as lovable and yet another reminder to me that life is short. Value it and your health too!

T's been lucky for me, so I hope I can return the favour by holding nothing but good thoughts for him. We'll see.

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