Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Red Letter Day !

You know those days where everything goes right, well I've just had one !

I had lunch with M....God I miss seeing him everyday. We caught up on everything and then M told me about his big news. He's going to be a Daddy again. He showed me the scan and I acted like a doting nanny goat!

After lunch, I hung out in my favourite place in London - The National Portrait Gallery. After checking out 'An Englishman in New York: Photographs by Jason Bell', I had afternoon tea in the Portrait Restaurant, before heading home.

I found a letter on my doormat from the taxman! Just what I need, I thought as ripped open the envelope and found a rebate cheque....hooray !

While I was checking through my emails I saw a message from N which made me laugh. N is South African, beautiful both inside(although she pretends she isn't!) and out (although she doesn't realise it!), funny as hell and just as smart.

She's been looking for a new place to rent for a while and guess what she's finally found somewhere. My phone bleeped with a message from C who's been waiting to hear whether she landed a 'mega change her life job' and yes you've guessed it - she got it!

Finally S texted to confirm dinner on Thursday, which is great because we always have a good time.

As I said it's been a great day!

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