Monday, 29 November 2010


So after this weekend, my man hunt attributes have to include DIY multi-skills. Yes,I know this has always been on my man must-haves list, but with good reason. In that time honoured tradition of things that go wrong when you really need them to work, my boiler packed up.

It actually packed up two weeks ago, but I had to wait for T (my lovely grumpy old Polish builder)to find time in his busy schedule (I have given his name to everyone I know after the magic he weaved at BB Towers!) to diagnose the problem.

"BB, immersion heater need buy new one. You get. I fix".

I spent half of my summer in B&Q, so it was like returning to a home from home hitting the aisles in search the missing link to restore my hot water supply.

P showed me where they were and couldn't resist adding,

"Your fella should be able to fix that in no time, it's dead simple"

Argh if only he knew. Finding a good, single, man is hard work as we all know - finding one with DIY skills is close to impossible.

Mr S couldn't hang a picture, let alone put together a flat pack. M took pride in telling me all the things wrong with my house and despite actually being in the trade was completely useless at DIY.

In fact,thinking back over my ex love interests none of them had any DIY or other 'skills' (meow!).

It took T exactly 15 minutes to install the new heater and put a massive grin back on my face!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome post. Really enjoyed reading your blog posts..