Monday, 1 November 2010

Love Is In The Air !

It seems the quest for love is not just restricted to the young in my family. My ever so proper mum has bagged herself an admirer.

A chance meeting with a very charming Dutch man has left her somewhat flustered and knowing I am such an expert in affairs of the heart, she called me to ask for advice.

He attempted a swift almost first date peck on the lips and she side swiped him with a cheek to cheek. Too cold? she mused.

I tried to reassure her.

" You did entirely the right thing re: the kiss. You don't know him from Adam and if this were a first date proper, you probably wouldn't kiss him, it is not in your nature to be that forward. Also you are a bit rusty on the old dating front".

It's amazing how easy it is giving love advice out. Sometimes I surprise myself by taking my own.

Remember my Halloween buddy? It turns out my being knackered and then not letting my imagination run wild for once, was a super smart move on my part. Maybe even I sign that I might be on the right side of date smart.

After agreeing with me that dating or sleeping with 'randoms' was so retro and the reserve of very silly men indeed, He mentioned a particular girl pal who he thought had a crush on him, who had just split with her boyfriend....

You can guess the rest.....

"Everyone had a good time!" he smirked, with the glee of a man who had just got his groove on, after playing the waiting game. They are now a very loved up item.

Many moons ago, I might have wasted a moment or too trying to figure out why I didn't end up with someone like him. Why I wasn't good or hot enough. Why once again has some other chick turned out to be totally drop dead and compared to me, the exact just what he was waiting for it.

After all we're the same age, both got quite a lot of stuff in common right? The same type of humour etc and if I do say so myself, on paper we would probaly be one of those annoyingly chilled couples, that can't be bothered to fight and just likes hanging out together and with friends.

Not anymore. You can't knock a guy for not fancying you. Goodness knows I've had enough experience ! Much of it my own fault, pursuing lost causes and unavailables.

For those of you who are still pursuing the guy whose not interested, once again i have to say, it's just one of those things and hating him is a waste of time. Really you should have stopped doing that when you were in college - Just directed at those of you who still do that!

When the right hottie shows up, he will be exactly who his window dressing says he is and be 100% interested in you.

If he can cook and DIY, then it's diva bonus points all round; and as we all know these are the very best kind to win!

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