Monday, 15 November 2010

BB's Day Off !

Unbelievably, I have the day off, well actually two days off.

It didn't stop me waking up at usual time, blitzing the living room and kitchen on a cleaning sweep and all of that before doing an hour's worth of yoga.

Then my day really got going. First a facial, then as (it is payday!),I paid some bills, brought my dress for the Christmas party and the sexiest pair of beyond fierce shoes.

These footie fireworks are hot, hot purple peeptoes with crocodile trim. With the right dress and a naughty man, this diva could get herself into world of trouble in those shoes ! I love them!

And I love having the day off, I'd almost forgotten what that was. Tomorrow I'm having lunch with M and I have to sort out my New York trip.

Somebody take me to the plane!

1 comment:

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